Friday, November 29, 2019

Astronomy And Space Science Your Bones In Space Essays

Astronomy And Space Science: Your Bones in Space SIG Hypogravitational Osteoporosis: A review of literature. By Lambert Titus Parker. May 19 1987. (GEnie Spaceport) Osteoporosis: a condition characterized by an absolute decrease in the amount of bone present to a level below which it is capable of maintaining the structural integrity of the skeleton. To state the obvious, Human beings have evolved under Earth's gravity "1G". Our musculoskeleton system have developed to help us navigate in this gravitational field, endowed with ability to adapt as needed under various stress, strains and available energy requirement. The system consists of Bone a highly specialized and dynamic supporting tissue which provides the vertebrates its rigid infrastructure. It consists of specialized connective tissue cells called osteocytes and a matrix consisting of organic fibers held together by an organic cement which gives bone its tenacity, elasticity and its resilience. It also has an inorganic component located in the cement between the fibers consisting of calcium phosphate [85%]; Calcium carbonate [10%] ; others [5%] which give it the hardness and rigidity. Other than providing the rigid infrastructure, it protects vital organs like the brain], serves as a complex lever system, acts as a storage area for calcium which is vital for human metabolism, houses the bone marrow within its mid cavity and to top it all it is capable of changing its architecture and mass in response to outside and inner stress. It is this dynamic remodeling of bone which is of primary interest in microgravity. To feel the impact of this dynamicity it should be noted that a bone remodeling unit [a coupled phenomena of bone reabsorption and bone formation]is initiated and another finished about every ten seconds in a healthy adult. This dynamic system responds to mechanical stress or lack of it by increasing the bone mass/density or decreasing it as per the demand on the system. -eg; a person dealing with increased mechanical stress will respond with increased mass / density of the bone and a person who leads a sedentary life will have decreased mass/density of bone but the right amount to support his structure against the mechanical stresses she/she exists in. Hormones also play a major role as seen in postmenopausal females osteoporosis (lack of estrogens) in which the rate of bone reformation is usually normal with the rate of bone re-absorption increased. In Skeletal system whose mass represent a dynamic homeostasis in 1g weight-bearing, when placed in microgravity for any extended period of time requiring practically no weight bearing, the regulatory system of bone/calcium reacts by decreasing its mass. After all, why carry all that extra mass and use all that energy to maintain what is not needed? Logically the greatest loss -demineralization- occurs in the weight bearing bones of the leg [Os Calcis] and spine. Bone loss has been estimated by calcium-balance studies and excretion studies. An increased urinary excretion of calcium, hydroxyproline & phosphorus has been noted in the first 8 to 10 days of microgravity suggestive of increased bone re- absorption. Rapid increase of urinary calcium has been noted after takeoff with a plateau reached by day 30. In contrast, there was a steady increase off mean fecal calcium throughout the stay in microgravity and was not reduced until day 20 of return to 1 G while urinary calcium content usually returned to preflight level by day 10 of return to 1G. There is also significant evidence derived primarily from rodent studies that seem to suggest decreased bone formation as a factor in hypogravitational osteoporosis. Boy Frame,M.D a member of NASA's LifeScience Advisory Committee [LSAC] postulated that "the initial pathologic event after the astronauts enter zero gravity occurs in the bone itself, and that changes in mineral homeostasis and the calcitropic hormones are secondary to this. It appears that zero gravity in some ways stimulate bone re- absorption, possibly through altered bioelectrical fields or altered distribution of tension and pressure on bone cells themselves. It is possible that gravitational and muscular strains on the skeletal system cause friction between bone crystals which creates bioelectrical fields. This bioelectrical effect in some way may stimulate bone cells and affect bone remodeling." In the early missions, X-ray densitometry was used to measure the weight-bearing bones

Monday, November 25, 2019

World War I Powers Essays - Military Strategy, Subterranea

World War I Powers Essays - Military Strategy, Subterranea World War I Powers During World War I many different types of weapons were utilized by both the Allied and Central powers. Some were variations on older models of weaponry, and others were totally new inventions created to aid in the wartime effort. Most of the new weapons were used as killing machines in trench warfare, which was practiced during World War I, while others were employed as tools of espionage, scouting land areas, or air and sea warfare. Communication also played a major role in World War I, especially the newly invented short wave radio. My report will discuss several of these new types of weaponry and communication; their uses in the war and their technical make-up. Ground warfare Trenches Trenches were long tunnel-like structures dug on the fronts during a stalemate in the war. They protected the troops inside from deadly artillery and especially machine gun fire. There were usually four sets of trenches dug on each side. An area of ?no-man?s land? separated the two sides. Crossing the ?no-man?s land? meant the risk of instant death by machine gun fire. An attack was usually staged in waves. Line after line of troops attempted to overrun the opposing trenches, only to gain a couple of miles. The firing trench was first, backed by cover trenches, which were a back-up line of defense in case the firing trenches were overrun. Following the cover trench were the support trench and the reserve trench. Off-duty troops lived in man made dugouts in the support trench. Rations, communications, extra troops, and other utilities were stored in the reserve trench. Some trenches also had a fifth trench dug out especially for the communications systems. Tanks Modern tanks are heavily armored track-laying military vehicles which have road speeds up to 60 mph. They weigh in between 14 and 50 metric tons and carry various types of mounted machine guns. Tanks are designed to penetrate or flank enemy lines and strike deep into the rear, capturing or eliminating vital fortifications. Although not as fast as modern tanks, and not as heavily armed, World War I saw the first mass use of tanks in open warfare. The idea of the tank was first designed by Leonardo daVinci in 1482. The French attempted to create the armored vehicles of which daVinci spoke, but it was the British who developed the first track-laying armored vehicles during World War I. On September 16, 1916, forty nine tanks were used at the battle of Somme near Courcelette, France, with negative results. A year later, in November 1917, 400 tanks penetrated the Hindenberg line near Cambrai on the Eastern Front. This attack captured 8000 enemy soldiers and 100 enemy guns. Through this battle, the role of the tank was established in modern warfare. Chemical warfare This particularly horrific method of warfare is based on releasing toxins or incapacitating chemicals into enemy lines in order to cause mass death or at least incapacitate the enemy. During World War I there were several different types of gases used to break the deadlock of trench warfare. Tear gas, a gas causing excessive tearing when it comes into contact with the victim?s eyes. Chlorine gas and phosgene were two of the more common lung irritants used by the armies. Also widely used was mustard gas, which caused whoever it came into contact with to break out in severe burns. Mustard gas was often used in conjunction with the flame-thrower. By the end of World War I, most European powers had integrated gas warfare capabilities into their armies at some levels. Between the two great wars Germany developed various different nerve gases such as sarin, a paralysis inducing gas. Most western countries have taken steps to destroy their arsenals of chemical weapons. Flame-thrower This was a military weapon used to project flames toward the enemy. A flame-thrower consists of a fuel container filled with oil, a cylinder containing a gas propellant under a high pressure, a discharge tube with an adjustable nozzle and an ignition device. During World War I, two styles of flame-throwers were used: A heavy one mounted on a tank and a light, portable, hand carried one. The flame-thrower had great psychological impact during the war because it succeeded in inflicting fear into the enemy. However, as a

Friday, November 22, 2019

Digital Divide Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Digital Divide Theory - Essay Example Garson (2006) defines digital divide in the following contexts: Digital divide is, at times, defined as the â€Å"gap among income, racial, ethnic, regional, or other groups in terms of differential access to the internet, where access is considered a dichotomous variable† (Garson, 2006, p.98). The policy makers make use of this definition while making public policies regarding the spread of information technology services. Here, access is defined in terms of a continuous variable that depends on such constituents as â€Å"convenience of access (home, school, library), speed of access (28 KB modem to T1 line), time for access (discretionary time for access provided at work and home), cost of access† and the like (Garson, 2006, p.98). This definition considers digital divide as the gap that results not just because the consumers cannot afford physical access to the internet or computers, but also because they lack suitable competencies to use the information technology at its best. For example, a school may purchase high-end computer hardware and software for teaching purposes, but may lack teacher resources or staff competencies due to which the information technology services go unutilized. Hence, schools are the primary example of digital divide in terms of skilled access. One think group states that in order to provide the citizens with economic equality, it is important to provide them with equal opportunities to render information technology or digital services with the use of which they can make their lives easier. For example, providing telephone services to the citizens so that they can inform the police about robbery, and providing the students with multimedia at schools to enhance learning will help foster economic equality which results in the stability of the nation as a whole. One perspective is that when developing countries will excel in the use of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

3 para Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

3 para - Essay Example Authors like Stedman and Haller have mentioned in their written essays that students or writers need to be aware of the fact that their audience need facts but marked in a paper with better flow. Haller has mentioned in his essay that most of the students who come to him for guidance regarding sources. As per Haller’s evaluation of different written pieces state that the students always fail to understand the right usage of sources (Haller). They often cite sources which have been re-published or been edited by other authors for their respective theme. Thus, students or writers need to understand the right usage of source. The information from the primary source will always give a clear and concise dimension to the subject of matter. Also, Stedman mentioned in his essay that writers would introduce a number of quotations in the essay without noting the real purpose of the topic sentence. In other words, it could be said that the writers need to explain the quotation in accordance to the subject manner

Monday, November 18, 2019

Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans Essay - 2

Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans - Essay Example It is due to this reason I choose to venture in the education sector but in a different venture. The business venture is the Online State of the Art Educational Portal. The venture can also be referred to in personal state of the art educational portal. With parents with the thirst of interactive education for their children this venture aims to prove a quench of that. This approach is unique and provides the best quality form of education. To add to its advantages, the approach involves the integration of parents who outline the weaknesses and strengths of a child. Additionally, the approach a rectangular circulation and interaction of tasks. It provides a child-parent-teacher interaction basis. This mode of interaction lacks in most educational systems. With current trends taking over in the society, parents need to be part and parcel of their children growth and this approach provides the best medium of interaction. The implementation of this approach however must come with its shortcomings. It is this logic assumption that makes it possible to have a business environmental analysis. Both the internal and external environment factors can affect this venture. With the environmental analysis, there is a clear picture of shortcomings and the possible ways to dealing with them (De Wit, 2003). Apart from the external environmental analysis there is the need for a SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis provides the entrepreneur with a picture of their strength and weaknesses. It is satisfied by one maximizing on their strengths and avoiding and dealing with their weaknesses. Additionally, the analysis tends to provide warning to an organization on which parts to cushion to prevent heavy losses caused by misfortunes. External environmental factors are factors which are not in the capacity of the institution to deal with. However, they must be considered since they affect the operations of the institutions.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Prevalence of Malaria in Northern Nigeria

The Prevalence of Malaria in Northern Nigeria Epidemiological Overview Generally, malaria is widespread throughout most of the tropics globally. However, according to Bradley (1992), the epidemiology of malaria has been characteristically varied across the globe because of malaria’s largely diverse vectorial capacity (p. 1). Out of the approximately 3.4 billion people who are globally prone to malaria infections annually, about 1.2 billion are at a higher risk. The World Health Organization (2013) reports that in 2012 alone more than 207 million people developed symptomatic malaria. Between 2000 and 2010, the figures released by the WHO report are, to some extent, encouraging as the number of reported annual malaria incidences in 34 malaria-eliminating countries decreased by 85 % from 1.5 million to 232, 000 cases (WHO, 2013). However, from the same report, the global malaria deaths reached a high of 1.82 million in 2004 and considerably fell to 1.24 million in 2010. Among the deaths reported in 2010 were 714,000 children below the age of 5 and 5 24,000 individuals above the age of 5. However, shockingly, the World Health Organization (2013) reports that over 80% of malaria deaths occur in the sub-Saharan Africa. Shockingly, the Nigeria Malaria Indictor Report (2012) reports that Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo account for over 40% of the total malaria deaths globally. This revelation has led to several concerted efforts in the two leading countries aimed at addressing the prevalence of malaria. Malaria Situation in Northern Nigeria Nigeria is ranked as one of the most populous countries in Africa with a population of approximately 170 million according to the 2013 population statistics and an estimated annual growth rate of 2.6% (Malaria Operation Plan, 2013). The 2010 United Nations Development Program Human Development Index ranks Nigeria at position 142 out among 169 countries (WHO, 2013). The country has an estimated under-five mortality rate of 157 per 1000 live births and maternal mortality is estimated at 545 per 100,000 live births according to the 2008 Demographic and Health Survey (Okafor Oko-Ose, 2012). The southern part of Nigeria is significantly advantaged in almost all social and economic indicators. In this regards, both the child mortality and maternal mortality are relatively higher. For instance, Okafor Oko-Ose (2012) illustrate that the under-five mortality rates are about one and a half times higher while the maternal mortality rates are about three times higher as compared to some northe rn parts of Nigeria. Contrastingly, despite the high income attributed to the sales of crude oil, no significant improvement has been recorded and majority of the Nigerians, especially the Northerners live in abject poverty (Malaria Operation Plan, 2013). About 97% of the Nigerian population is at risk of Malaria infection with the majority being those living in Northern Nigeria according to a research conducted by the Nigeria Malaria Index Survey (2010). Specifically, research has found out that incidences of malaria transmissions account for over 60% of outpatient visits and 30% of inpatients in Nigerian healthcare institutions. Incidentally, malaria infection is a primary cause of children mortality and contributes to an estimated 225,000 cases of deaths annually (WHO, 2013). Malaria also contributes to an estimated 11% of maternal mortality and about 105 of low birth weight according to NMCP Strategic Plan 2009-2013. The geographic location of Nigeria makes the climate condition to be ideal for malaria transmission nearly throughout the country. In fact, the remaining 3% of the entire country’s population, who are relatively at a low chance of infection, actually live in the mountainous regions in the southern parts of Nigeria (Jos Plateau State) with an altitude of between 1,200 to 1,400 metres. A series of studies have been conducted to elucidate the effect of seasonal changes on epidemiological index of malaria transmission in Northern Nigeria. Undeniably, the climatic condition of Northern Nigeria is seasonal with rainy seasons in May-October, dry season in December-March and transitional period in April-November (Malaria Operation Plan, 2013). However, studies on the prevalence of malaria in Northern Nigeria have shown that malaria transmission has been predominant during the rainy season and lowest during the dry season. Gender Distribution and Prevalence of Malaria Transmission Generally, studies have shown that Plasmodium infections appear more common in the male than in the females in Northern Nigeria. For, example, a study conducted to ascertain malaria occurrences among children aged six months to eleven years in Benin City presented a shocking result. According to the findings of the research, malaria transmission from 2004 to 2009 in male averaged at 57 % while during the same period under review, the transmission in females was at an average of 43% (Okafor Oko-Ose, 2012). A similar research conducted in the Northern Nigeria’s Ebonyi and Edo States in 2004 made a similar conclusion. This prevalence has been attributed to the fact that males expose their bodies more than females especially when the weather is hot. In that regards, males are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes. On the other hand, Okafor Oko-Ose (2012) explain that females tend to stay indoors, helping out with normal household chores. This significantly reduces their contact with the mosquito vector. Either, studies have shown that females have relatively better immunity to parasitic diseases due to their hormonal and genetic composition. Age Factor and Malaria Prevalence Based on age, studies have shown that children aged  ½ 2 years have the highest prevalence in malaria transmission (Okafor Oko-Ose, 2012). According to the research conducted in Benin City in Northern Nigeria among children aged  ½ to 11 years, it was realized that children aged  ½ -2 years recorded the highest prevalence of 58.6% followed by the age bracket 3 – 5 years at 30.5% and the least being age group 9-11 years at 2.9%. Basically, we can conclude that children under the age of 5 years are more prone to incidences of malaria transmission. In general, malaria transmission is in a declining trend. A finding carried out in 1999, for instance, in Erunmu in southwest Nigeria reported about 80% malaria parasite prevalence among school children. A similar research conducted in Benin City, according to Okafor Oko-Ose (2012) clearly showed this decline in prevalence. In 2004, the prevalence among children of  ½ 11 years was 47%. By 2009, the prevalence had dropped considerably to 32%. Through the period under consideration, the overall prevalence of malaria was reported at 36.4%. In a nutshell, this decline can be attributed to the effect of some preventive measures against malaria that has been adopted by the Nigerian Government. Health Determinants and their Influence on Malaria Prevalence Many factors combine together to affect the health of individuals and communities in a particular area. The Health Impact Assessment (2014) explains that the environment and the circumstances that people live in extensively determine whether people are healthy or not. To a larger extent, factors such as where an individual lives, the state of the environment, genetics, income, education level and our relationship with friends and families all have significant impact on health. However, on a more specific note, determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment and the individual’s characteristics and behaviors (The Health Impact Assessment, 2014). This paper will elucidate the impact of socio-economic environment and the physical environment on malaria transmission in Northern Nigeria based on both social economic environment and the physical environment. The Social and Economic Environment Malaria has predominantly been linked with poverty and the reduction of the propensity of malaria has become a major priority for the Nigerian Government for a long period of time. In particular, malaria is a leading cause of both child and maternal mortality and morbidity in Northern Nigeria that is relatively of a lower social and economic rating (WHO, 2013 and Nigeria Malaria Indicator Survey 2010). The economic burden of malaria illness on households accounts for almost 50% of total economic burden of illnesses in the Northern regions of Nigeria. Further, multiple studies have noted that individuals of lower social and economic status bear a disproportionate burden of the parasitic disease and have poor health seeking habits and at times lack necessary health facilities. Generally, research has shown that up to 58% of malaria transmission occurs in the poorest 20% of the world population who, incidentally, receives the worst care and has disastrous consequences from the illness ( WHO, 2013). More specifically, there is a heavy malaria burden on the poor than on the rich as demonstrated by recent studies in Northern Nigeria States and in the cities states. According to this research, individuals with an estimate income of less than N300 per day (earning less than a dollar per day) were less likely to perceive malaria as a preventable disease and subsequently recorded more incidences of malaria per month as compared to those who earned less than N300 per day (Yusuph, 2010). Arguably, the rural dwellers of the Northern Nigeria have a higher risk of infection than their counterpart urban residents. The current statistics indicate that between 6% 28% of the malaria burden may occur in urban areas which comprise only 2% of the entire African surface (Yusuph et al., 2010). There could be a relationship between this predominance to the socio-economic status of people living in both rural and poverty-ridden regions. Evidently, members of lower socio-economic societies live in environments that offer little or no protection against mosquitoes and they are also less likely to afford the insecticide-treated mosquito nets. Clearly, higher social and economic status groups and urban residents posses more malaria preventive tools and therefore, report few incidences of malaria. In addition, low socio-economic status groups are unlikely to pay either for effective malaria treatment or for transportation to a health facility capable of treating the scourge. The Physical Environment Geographically, malaria is transmitted due to the interaction between the malaria mosquito parasite and the human environments (The Health Impact Assessment, 2014). The geographical location of Northern Nigeria presents a key ingredient to the breeding and existence of the malaria-causative parasite. The Progress Impact Series Country Reports (2012) describes Nigeria’s climate as tropical climate with alternating wet and dry seasons throughout the year which is suitable for malaria transmission. Presence of mangrove swamps, the rain forest, the guinea-savannah, the Sudan-savannah and the Sahel-savanna that extends from the South to the North of Nigeria determine the intensity, seasonality and duration of malaria transmission. On the other hand, apart from the climatic condition, the Northern States of Nigeria have access to inadequate physical facilities, safe water, medical facilities and poor infrastructure that presents a daunting challenge to the prevention or treatment o f malaria infections. Prevention Strategy based on Social and Economic Status This paper has emphasized on the major public health challenges that high prevalence of malaria presents to the people of Northern Nigeria. The most biologically vulnerable group, as have been noted, are the children below the age of five and pregnant women, perhaps due to their comparatively lower immunity status (Mazumdar Guha, 2013). Basically, most of the malaria transmissions occur among the poverty ridden residents of the Northern Nigeria. Social and economic background has been distinctively demonstrated by this paper as a major health determinant in malaria transmission in the northern parts of Nigeria. With the highly perturbing statistical information on malaria transmissions and prevalence in Northern Nigeria, there is a need for an infective and inclusive preventive plan that addresses the most biologically vulnerable group and their social and economic factors that determines their health. Consequently, this papers outlines a four dimensional preventive strategy that is undoubtedly capable of containing the mortality and morbidity among children and expectant women. This preventive strategy summarily focus on management of transmission cases, prevention of malaria with insecticide-treated nets, indoor residual spraying to reduce transmission and finally the use of intermitted preventive treatment and the use of intermittent preventive treatment for pregnant women. Prompt Diagnosis and Treatment This strategy focuses on timely diagnosis and effective treatment of cases of malaria infections by use of relevant anti-malarial drugs. This strategy is aimed at ensuring that up to 80% of the population, mostly children below the age of 5 and the pregnant women, who are at risk of malaria take timely and necessary treatment at the initial stages of infection. Under this strategy, there is need for provision of free necessary anti- malarial drugs like Artmether-Lumefantrine (Mazumdar Guha, 2013). There is also a need for a home based care management system especially for the most vulnerable population, that is, children below the age of five. The complexity of this strategy requires a multidimensional approach and involvement by the public sector, the private sector and the faith based health facilities for effectiveness. Distribution of insecticide-treated nets (ITN) This strategy is intended to prevent malaria transmission to a larger population especially the most vulnerable children under the age of 5 and the pregnant women. Under this strategy, pregnant women and children under the age of five are to be provided with free insecticide treated mosquito nets. These nets should be provided to the expectant women when they attend their ante natal care services in designated health facilities. This scheme also proposes the use of relatively long lasting insecticide nets so as to address the social and economic challenges that bedevils most of the vulnerable groups. Indoor Residual Spraying The Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) is geared towards curtailing the transmission of malaria in both the pregnant women and children under the age of five. This program requires entomological monitoring and proper management of insecticide resistance especially among the ignorant population that are characteristic of a low social economic majority. It also requires behavior change communication with the target population and technical assistance and training especially to the personnel in the indoor residential spraying exercise. Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Expectant Women This last strategy primarily focuses on regulation of malarial prevalence among expectant women. Statistical data that only 58% of pregnant women by 2008 had access to antenatal care from relevant service providers while 62% of expectant women successfully delivered at home elucidates the extent of socio-economic disparity and the need for effective preventive treatment programs for pregnant women. Ideally, a couple of factors contribute to low utilization of health facilities by expectant women. Primarily, inadequate or poor quality of antenatal services, expensive cost of the services and ignorance on the need to attend antenatal services indisputably discourages expectant women from utilizing antenatal services from relevant health facilities. As a preventive measure to the challenges facing expectant women, this strategy identifies specific drugs that can effectively fight malaria in expectant women. The Intermittent Prevention Therapy (IPT) and Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine (SP) ha ve been identified as effective malaria prevention among this vulnerable group. These drugs should be administered freely to the women since majority of them may not be able to afford such drugs. In conclusion, this paper reaffirms the need to address the malaria menace especially in the sub-Sahara Africa and other tropics. The paper lays emphasis on the prevalence of this scourge on children under the age of 5 and pregnant women. The paper also extensively discusses how socio-economic factors and physical environments contribute to the prevalence of malaria infections especially in poor neighborhoods in Africa and Northern Nigeria in specific. This paper presents a preventive strategy that focuses on the most vulnerably group. Reference Bradley, D. J. (1992). Malaria: Old Infections, Changing Epidemiology. London: London School of Hygiene, in Health Transition Review Vol. 2. Supplementary Issue 1992. Health Impact Assessment (2014). The Determinants of Health. WHO. Retrieved from Malaria Indicator Survey (2010). Final Report. Retrieved from Malaria Operational Plan FY 2013. President’s Malaria Initiative. Retrieved from Mazumdar S. Guha, P. M. (2013). Prevention and Treatment of Malaria in Nigeria: Differential and Determinants from a Spatial View. Retrieved from Okafor, F. U. Oko-Ose, J. N. (2012). Prevalence of Malaria Infections among Children aged six months to eleven years in Benin City, Nigeria. In The Global Advanced Research Journal and Medical Sciences Vol. 1 (10) p. 273-279, November, 2012. Retrieved from, and Oko-ose.pdf Progress Impact Series Country Reports, No. 4 (2012). WHO. Retrieved from Report on Nigeria Malaria Indicator Survey (2010). Retrieved from Yusuph, O. B. et al. (2010). Poverty and Fever Vulnerability in Nigeria: A Multilevel Analysis. In Malaria Journal. Retrieved from World Health Organization. World Malaria Report (2013). Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Brothers Karamazov: Life without Love :: essays research papers

Life without Love – The Malady of Death The Brothers Karamazov, is a novel which contains many themes presenting outlooks on faith, life, and love. The character of Ivan is the cornerstone which Dostoevsky uses to present these outlooks. It is suggested that Ivan suffers from â€Å"The Malady of Death†. The idea of the malady of death is presented in the novel, The Malady of Death, by Marguerite Duras. The malady of death can be thought of as a disease or disorder caused by a sort of spiritual malaise. The question asked than is; does Ivan Karamazov suffer from the malady of death? I believe that the novel clearly shows that Ivan does indeed suffer from the malady of death, but the question I pose is; at the end of the novel is he cured?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To start I’ll present the following question; what IS the malady of death? If one were to take into consideration the actual definition of the words in the phrase, the malady of death would mean the disease or disorder of death. The way that our texts have presented this is not all that different from the words’ actual meanings. In the Duras text the man is said to be suffering from the malady of death. Duras presents this idea by showing that life is nothing without love. On page 3 of The Malady of Death the prostitute asked the man what he wanted to try and his response was, â€Å"Loving.† The man in this text is incapable of loving and when he questions the prostitute as to why the malady of death is fatal, â€Å"... And also because he’s like to die without any life to die to, and without even knowing that’s what he’s doing,† was her response (pg. 19). This response suggests that people who suffer from the malad y of death have nothing to live for, a lack of faith so to speak, and thus don’t fight to stay alive. There is a spiritual malaise going on inside the person. Simply stated the malady of death can be thought of as life without love. Love of others, love of themselves, love of God, love of this world, a person who suffers from the malady of death is missing some or all of these â€Å"loves† which make life worth while. The first real look that we get of Ivan comes in Book V when he’s having lunch with Alyosha.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Effects of Psychodrama Practice on University Students’ Subjective Well-Being and Hopelessness Essay

Psychodrama can be defined as the helpful role-playing method technique usually conducted by groups. Many questions have been raised about the effects which can be caused by psychodrama on students (Blatner, & Adam, 2014). This article have discussed and compiled those effects caused by psychodrama practice on university students’ subjective well-being and hopelessness, morenean approaches: Recognizing Psychodrama’s many facets, the integration of psychodrama with Bowen’s theory in couple therapy and enriching psychodrama through the use of cognitive behavioral therapy techniques Bibliography. Article summary on the effects of psychodrama practice on university students’ subjective well-being and hopelessness                  The effects of psychodrama can be either positive or negative (benefits or limitation).Psychodrama has several applications in real life today. These applications include business, training, religion, and application in business and also teaching together with psychotherapeutic application and concentrations (Blatner, & Adam, 2014). Many people have made it a major part in their colleges as psychodrama trainers who puts efforts broadly with such persons (Farmer et al, 2007). The psychodrama tic tactic can be readily unified with several other approaches which relates to psychotherapy. According to Blatner, & Adam, (2014), the integration of psychodrama with psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, behavior therapies, creative arts therapies, play therapy, body therapies, family therapy, group therapy, imagination therapies and other miscellaneous psychotherapies. For example within (ASGPP) American Society for the Study of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama ther e is a sub class of psychodrama that precisely concentrate on application of psychoanalytic. Psychodrama symbolizes a full expansion and improvement of role-playing together with their applications and implementation. Although role-playing is mostly discussed, outdoor of psychodrama it has not often been considered as an intermediation but except decisiveness training, others are known by the clinician. A psychodrama tic role-playing meeting is perfect for formulating for example a university student to have an encounter with a family or friend member, employer, or maybe the colleague worker. Psychodrama have another application of addressing a wide range of matters and problems comprising those in the currently, future, and past or those that comprise the interior encounter (Farmer et al, 2007). According to Farmer et al, (2007), it can be addressed as â€Å"surplus reality,† that is those issues connected to what one might have, would have, and should have done. This can be applied to efficiently address visions and fantasies and can be applied to address worries related to â€Å"God†, â€Å"the church† or â€Å"the government† in a straight sort of manner. This can improve the well-being of a student and assist him or her in grieving through a goodbye meeting with a departed important and esteemed one. Furthermore Psychodrama can be applied to enhance specific therapy on an individual or additional therapy setup. This can assist the move a student past a deadlock or define if they are equipped for expulsion from treatment through tackling an expected challenging situation (Treadwell, 2005). Privacy is an issue in any experimental preparation groups just as it is in psychotherapy groups. Each participants is required to come to an agreement to privacy as one condition for being a fragment of this training (Blatner, & Adam, 2014). The participants are also stimulated to take into account ongoing work and school interactions with other participants as they select what they unveil as a personal material. Furthermore, it will be addressed out that a moral condition for group work is to make the contestants aware that though a group trainer is forbidden by law from unveiling any material from group, also other group members do not have that same responsibility. Many ways can lead to physical injury to the participant in the process of enactment. For example, the presentation of fierce scenes, creating effects in example standing on chairs, or peoples who are bodily compromised to start with commotions which they cannot do. It is the teacher’s and therapist’s accountability to be alert of possible hazards and to shield the participants. Societal force can end up in individuals feeling constrained to participate in activities of which they may not otherwise accord. Moreover, it is stressed that this subject must be made clear with each participant with whom the therapist might use the method (Farmer et al, 2007). Psychodrama is the most approach developed by Moreno in his lifespan. Instead of being believed of as an only technique, his work would be greatly aided if utilized and recognized as actually separate mechanisms (Karatas, &Zeynep, 2005). Although the efficiency of these individual mechanisms might be added up by using them in performance, there are many situations in which they can be applied in their own right. Moreno came to a conclusion that body movement, active interrelations and actions on the stage, their common familiarity or distance as stated in altitudinal terms, physical, could inform more about the troubles in interpersonal affairs than speaking (Farmer et al, 2007). The action occurring on the stage, movements and spoken words, and objects, make it probable for the character to either to complete anything he or she has been unable to, or have not known how to do it, or tried not do in actuality (Treadwell, 2005). This can be referred as act completion since it is on the psychodrama stage that the person understands the emotions and thoughts that obstruct him, plus the new sequence of behavior that will assist him to express himself independently (Treadwell, 2005). Psychodrama not only sightsees one’s unexpressed feelings and thoughts, but also the conditions that have never really occurred but could have the meets with those who are actually not there. Everything can happen in psychodrama and this hidden dimension of experience can be referred as surplus reality or an extra dimension of reality. The â€Å"character’s† story or subject is at the center of the psychodrama tic presentation whereby the character is the client, patient and the subject of the conduct. The character is chosen out of the group and during the psychodrama tic process the group’s participants are the â€Å"listeners† and the source is for the enactment (Blatner, & Adam, 2014). About the greatest part, the source plays the part according to the character’s comments and instructions .The organizer may direct the source but not intensively. According to Moreno, the source can be acted to the character’s creative mind in two approaches known as double and soliloquy (Treadwell, 2005). There are many methods which co-therapist use to deal with those in relationships mainly couples by use of psychodrama methods and Bowen’s theories. The authors put together the Bowens theory of differentiated individual as single who is capable to function from a position of me as different from we in couples or relationships and use psychodrama to show this functioning (Blatner, & Adam, 2014). The appliance of psychodrama among couples is based on the four Bowens theories (Farmer et al, 2007). the first theory is the theory of triangle, In couples who are too cross of very far there comes a time where some misunderstanding occurs, some couples are able to solve them in a peaceful manner while others they do not manage to do so, this cause an emotional tension which leads to violence in the family. This is where the Bowens theory of triangle gets in, the theory introduces a third party in the family, which helps to solve the problem. The three party’s forms a triangle as the name suggest due to the pull of the third party. The third party can be Christian leaders, police or family friends. According to Blatner, & Adam, (2014), in families, differentiated profile according to Bowen’s theory occurs when a child is born with some characteristics similar to those of one parent or grandparent or the child is born during the period of the death of one of the members of the family. The child concentrates more on the family due to the pressure from those sharing the same characteristics with him or her. This makes child to grow in a sense of WE more than I. In this case, Bowen wanted to teach couples on how to be different from others, if is to attend therapy sessions on member can attend and bring a change in the family if both are not willing to attend together (Karatas, &Zeynep, 2005). The authors bring together the psychodrama and also cognitive behavioral techniques in-group settings. Those groups should have a minimum of five and maximum of ten members. The sessions should take 2 to 3 hours and total period should be 15 weeks. Those with aggressive disorders should take individual therapy (Treadwell, 2005). In the application of cognitive therapy, therapist should start with dysfunctional contemplation or thought records where the group’s members record things that affect them emotionally. The records are kept in each person’s file. During the filling of dysfunctional forms, the members should be given the samples first to guide them on how to fill them. Those forms help the therapist to know each person problem (Treadwell, 2005). Other cognitive technique is automatic thoughts, which are habitual. The therapist helps the patient to recognize them and assist the patient how to deal with them. The cognitive behavioral technique is very effective and the patient responds to it very well (Blatner, & Adam, 2014). Conclusion                  From the impacts of psychodrama and its explanation we can deduce that it not only explores one’s unexpressed feelings and thoughts, but also the situations that have at no time really occurred but could have the meets with those who are actually not there. Everything can happen in psychodrama and this hidden dimension of experience can be referred as surplus reality or an extra dimension of reality. Psychodrama is useful since it can be applied in business, training, religion, and application in business and also teaching together with psychotherapeutic application and concentrations. Other than benefits it can affect the participant due to its societal force which can end up in individuals feeling constrained to participate in activities of which they may not otherwise accord. Outline Psychodrama can be defined as the helpful role-playing method technique usually conducted by groups. Effects of psychodrama can be either positive or negative (benefits or limitation). Benefits include the applications in real life situations such as in business, training, religion, application in business and also teaching. Negative effects are the potential harms in terms of emotions, social culture or physical change. According to Moreno, Psychodrama is the most approach developed in his lifespan Psychodrama not only sightsees one’s unexpressed feelings and thoughts, but also the conditions that have never really occurred but could have, the meets with those who are actually not there. Everything can happen in psychodrama and this hidden dimension of experience, can be referred as surplus reality or an extra dimension of reality. Bowens theories emphasizes mostly on differentiation where one refers himself as an individual. The force of the third party in a relationship helps a lot. The integration of Bowers theories and psychodrama brought a solution to those in relationships. Dysfunctional thought forms help mostly students and patients with a problem of mood regulation. During the first sessions of application cognitive technique, the students do not cooperate but later they enjoy the sessions. References Blatner, Adam (2014). Morenean Approaches: Recognizing Psychodrama’s Many Facets. Turk Egitim DernegiFarmer, Chris; Geller, Marcia (2007). The Integration of Psychodrama with Bowen’s Theories in Couples Therapy. Heldref Publications Winter Karatas, Zeynep. (2005). Effects of Psychodrama Practice on University Students’ Subjective Well-Being and Hopelessness Treadwell, Thomas W; Kumar, V K; Wright, Joseph H (2005). Enriching Psychodrama Through the Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques. HELDREF PUBLICATIONS Summer Source document

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Samuel Gompers Vs Terence Powderly essays

Samuel Gompers Vs Terence Powderly essays Samuel Gompers and Terence Powderly have some things in common, as well as different. Samuel Gompers was born in London, England on January 27, 1850. When he was only ten years old, He dropped out of elementary school to be a shoemaker. When he was thirteen years old his family moved from London, England to New York. He then became an immigrant cigar maker when he was fourteen years old. He did this because he wanted to help his father make and sell cigars. After living his wonderful life, he died in 1924. Terence Powderly was born in Carbondale, Pennsylvania, 1849. He attended school until he was 13 years old and had a job as a railroad worker. He later became an apprentice to a machinist, and in 1871 he joined a local chapter of the Machinists and Blacksmiths International Union. In 1879, the head of the order of the Knights of Labor, Uriah Stephens, retired. Terence then was rewarded the leader of the Knights of Labor, an all-exclusive union found in 1869. Terence Powderly died in 1924. The similarities of Terence and Samuel are that they both were involved with labor unions. They both needed money to support their families and themselves. They each dropped out of school at an early age. Both started strikes for better working conditions and higher pay. They both were fired from their jobs because of this cause. They both were respected in their high positions. Samuel became the President of the United States and Terence became the leader of the Knights of Labor. Some of the differences were that Samuel dropped out of school at the age of ten years old to help his father with the cigar business. Terence dropped out of school at thirteen years old to get into the railroad business. They had different ideas on the effect of a strike. Terence was afraid of starting a strike because he felt he would not win and was more comfortable using the boy ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Graves Disease essays

Graves Disease essays Graves disease is a basic defect in the immune system causing antibodies, which stimulate and attack the thyroid gland causing growth of the gland and overproduction of thyroid hormone. These antibodies may also attack the tissues in the eye muscle and pretibial skin, causing protruding eyes, opthalmopathy, and dermopathy thickening of the skin over the front of the legs. The thyroid gland is located in the neck. It manufactures two thyroid hormones that are essential for metabolism and growth. The thyroid takes iodine from the food we eat and uses it to make thyroid hormones. If thyroid hormones are in short supply, a person feels sluggish, has a slow heartbeat, and can even feel depressed. This condition hypothyroidism. Too much thyroid hormone is called hyperthyroidism and is also a problem. This condition is almost the exact opposite of hypothyroidism. The individual has a fast heartbeat, weight loss, nervousness, and heat intolerance. In addition, hyperthyroidism can affect the eye. One of the conditions that results in hyperthyroidism is Graves' disease. This condition afflicts a great many people. In this disease, the thyroid gland enlarges and releases too much thyroid hormone. The person can become restless and overactive, and the heart often races Graves disease is found in less then  ¼ of 1% of the population. Although it is fund most frequently in middle aged women, (8:1 more than men), it also occurs in children and in the elderly. There are several elements contributing to the development of Graves' disease. There is a genetic predisposition to auto-immune disorders. Infections and stress play a part. Graves' disease may have its onset after an external stress, in other instances, it may follow a viral infection or pregnancy. Many times the exact cause of Graves' disease is simply not known. It is not contagious, although it has been known to occur coincidentally between husbands...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Economic Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economic Growth - Essay Example Therefore, the small statistics resulted to minor percentage. The ideology that populaces were small depicts that fewer investments counted. These affected contributors owing to GDP. Contrary, 2010 depicted percentage that exceeded 100. This gains exemplifications from the ideology that entailed a population outburst in 2010. Therefore, greater populaces depicted increased investments, consumptions and per capita earnings (Romer, 2007: pp, 1). These aspects entailed summations of the percentages. The contributing factors to GDP kept changing concerning 1980 until 2010.These changes emanate from crucial factors. Increased populaces contribute exceptionally to GDP. This entails explanations from the ideology that greater populaces result to increased demand. With increased demands, another instigated aspect would be greater supplies in market places. Therefore, demand influences consumption. This counts greatly to GDP owing to the information that entails considerations involving consumption while calculating GDP. Another aspect involves government spending. This draws explanation from the information that increased populaces result to greater spending by governments (Romer, 2007: pp, 3). This exemplifies that the government undertakes offering extra programs because of increased populace. These programs involve health and developments like roads.GDP changes owe their predicament to alteration of per capita. This exemplifies that per capita earnings influence contributors to G DP. Romer expounds that technology entails the intrinsic importance of steering economic intensification. Romer’s argument that people’s innovations count greatly to economies encompasses inevitable intensity. He exemplifies that technology comprises the greatest portion in economies. Technology developments result to rich opportunities. These opportunities expound that people’s ideas and ingenuity count mostly (Romer, 2007: pp, 4). This revolutionized

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Myers and Sadaghiani Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Myers and Sadaghiani - Essay Example t have been made by the author in the journal article are that the Millennials in the workforce are more motivated to work on tasks that are meaningful in nature and are essential for the attainment of organization’s aims and objectives. The second interesting point that the authors have made is that Millennials expect that they are provide with timely, continuous as well as constructive feedback which their managers and older coworkers might believe is unnecessary and time consuming. I agree with both the points made by the authors of the research article. I agree with the first point because any individual, whether young or old would be more motivated to work in those positions and on those tasks that are considered as significant by the organization and others. If they do not perceive that their work is of significance to others, they may feel that they are being used for work that is not necessary for the success of the organization and may end up being dissatisfied with that work. I agree that Millennials require timely, continuous and constructive feedback because they have recently graduated or joined the workforce and they require feedback in order to ensure that they are performing well on their tasks. Feedback and task significance are two important elements of job design that cause satisfaction among employees (Parikh, 2010). Myers, K. K., & Sadaghiani, K. (January 01, 2010). Millennials in the Workplace: A Communication Perspective on Millennials Organizational Relationships and Performance. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25, 2,